>>I have read in this list about an AGA AMOS extension. Does it indeed
>>exist? If so, where can I get a copy? What can this AGA extension do?
>>Is it a normal AMOS extension like CRAFT? Thanks in advance.
>There is indeed such a thing, although I have never heard of anyone using it.
>Steve Bye at F1 Licenceware used to sell it. His homepage is:
>From what he told two years ago I gathered that it was underpowered compared
>to the other AMOS AGA-like extensions that were floating about at the time.
I've got that extension. It allows you to display a lo-res 256 colour screen (from within AMOS), but you can't do a lot else. There are a few other AGA functions too, but the screen handling is pretty poor and VERY slow.
>Also, a new AGA extension will appear soon, so keep reading this list.
This new extension sounds cool. Definitely wait for that.